Sunday, August 23, 2009

How to Achieve Success ?

Success is everybody’s dream. So is the key to success? How can a person be successful?
Every one wants to get success in his daily life be it personal life, in the office, among the friends or the society at large. Each one of us would like to be seen as warriors who have won the war and are enlightened over the success in defeating the impossible.
Success makes us charged and positive on all fronts.

Narrated here is a small poem on what is success, by Berton Braley:

That's Success
It's doing your job the best you can, And being just to your fellow man;
It's making money - but holding friends, And being true to your aims and ends.
It's figuring how and learning why,And looking forward and thinking high;
And dreaming a little and doing much,It's keeping always in closest touch.
With what is finest in word and deed,being thorough, yet making speed;
It's daring blithely the field of chance, While making labour a brave romance.
It's going onward despite defeat,And fighting staunchly, but keeping sweet;
It's being clean and it's playing fair, It's laughing lightly at Dame Despair.
It's looking up at the stars above ,And drinking deeply of life and love;
It's struggling on with the will to win,But taking loss with a cheerful grin.
It's sharing sorrow and work and mirth,And making better this good old earth;
It's serving, striving through strain and stress,
It's doing your noblest - that's success!

From the above Poem following points emerge as the key to success . A person should possess the following qualities :-
· Doing one’s job the best one can.
· Being just to our fellow man.
· Able to anticipate how and learn why a particular problem can be resolved,
· Should look forward and think high;
· Dream a little and do a lot,
· Being thorough, yet making speed.
· Marching onward despite defeat, and fighting staunchly, but keeping sweet
· One has to have a clean image and play fair, laughing lightly at Despair (साफ़ सुथरी स्वच्छ छवि हो, इमानदारी से कार्य करने एवं हंस कर निराशा को दूर कर देने वाला व्यक्तित्व होना चाहिए )
· Struggle on with the will to win, But take loss with a cheerful grin.
· Share the sorrow of others and work and be cheerful, And make better this good old earth;
· Serve, strive through strain and stress. And when we do all this It’s doing your noblest

Among other Important Assets which one must possess for achieving success in life, following two are on the top most agenda:-

· Positive attitude
o Power of Positive Attitude :
Positive attitude helps to cope more easily with the daily affairs of life. It brings optimism into one’s life, and makes it easier to avoid worry and negative thinking. If we adopt it as a way of life, it will bring constructive changes into our life, and make them happier, brighter and more successful. With a positive attitude we see the bright side of life, become optimistic and expect the best to happen. It is certainly a state of mind that is well worth developing and strengthening.

· Passion.
o Most important asset one must have is Passion. While we may get results in the short term without having passion, in the long term it makes the difference between achieving success and failing. When we are passionate about what we do, our passion will show up in our work. Not only will passion lead us to achieve success, it will also lead us to a fulfilling life. We will become who we are. We will become the person we are supposed to be.

Measuring Success:

In order to be successful we should measure success based on how much we give rather than how much we receive. Those who give more almost always will also receive more. Thus the more value we give to others, the more successful we will be. Making ourselves as useful as possible to others is the key to success.
Making ourselves as useful as possible to others is only possible when the people realise the value they will get from us. When they realise the value offerred to them, more and more people shall get attracted towards us making us successful.

We should possess / develop the following qualities which will help us in not only motivating ourselves but also motivating the people around us:-
· Be observant of needs. We have to assess the needs of the persons / people
· Find solutions to the needs
· Be proactive to help
· Be sincere (Being sincere means being glad to help others without expecting anything in return)
· Go the extra mile

Having observed the needs of the people and finding solutions an action plan be formed by following the steps as under:-
1. Set a Goal for the work to be done.
2. An action plan is to be drawn for achieving the set goals.
3. Team Work plays an important Role.
a. Delegation of duties / Role to be played by each person.
b. Co-ordination of the various types of Jobs.
c. Honest implementation of duties assigned
4. The most important factor is the Time Schedule which should be strictly observed and any time over=run should be plugged in.
5. Jubilant Celebration of the successful completion of the Goal / Event.

Examples of success are Large followers / gathering at any public meetings, Marriage Functions, Official Functions, Social Functions getting overwhelming response and praise from the outsiders and our own people.
The world won't care about your old defeats

If you can start anew and win success;

Destructive thoughts within our mindscan keep us in despair...

… as we pray for a healthy attitude,our negative thoughts will cease.

( excerpts from the poem Start Where You Stand by Berton Braley )